We had a breakthough!

We had a breakthough!

I have a 13yo daughter and a teen dog. You might think that this was poor planning on our part, it was. I never even thought about it. My cousin-in-law offered me the pick of the litter last year and I said thank you very very much. I love our Lucky with all of my heart, but like me, she's far from perfect. She hates the car. She runs away from home for hours. She has very little fur but ate her coat. She runs off to play with neighboring dogs, AND STEALS THEIR TOYS. She loves to play bite, but it hurts, she stops when we yell at her, she does get a ball to chomp on instead for rough play, but not all the time.

Lucky is a pretty wimpy dog, so for the longest time, she stayed within earshot of the house, as we live in a rural area, that was fine. Then suddenly, around her 1st birthday, she started to run away, for hours, for the whole day, on walks with her people. And so the overhead run was put up. It's massive, like 100' long with a lead attached. Of course Lucky hastes it, but we live rurally in the forest, there are cougars out there- they could get her! For real!

 Today we had a heart-to-heart, ole Lucky and I. We got a lot of snow overnight, 6" and some shoveling needed to be done. Now usually, Lucky would take off, or get put on her run, and bark her fool hear off. So during our heart-to-heart, I told her that she had to be a good girl, she had to stay, and that she would get treats if she did. Lucky agreed. 

 The first time I treated her she was 10 feet from me, the net time she was out of sight. She took a good 5 minutes to arrive the next time and I was resigned to put her on her lead, but she had obviously run so hard and for so long to come when called that I treated her again. She was relieved. We let it slide. We called and treated and celebrated like crazy every single time she returned. And she came back every time. There is hope for little Lucky.

ps- she does have dog tags, and the neighbors text things like " Lucky is over playing with our dogs, they're having fun". So we can usually find her.


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